Hot rods. Mustangs. Engines revving. Hot dogs, cotton candy, mullets, men in their glory, 50's music. YES. (Two weeks distance prior was probably worth it after our little get-away: see last post.)
Needless to say, Matt and I had a blast on the weekend of the 13th. We celebrated our first year of marriage in Hastings, MN at a charming B&B, then in the Twin Cities (Como Park, and IKEA!)
Thank you, M, for a wonderful surprise weekend!
[photo 1: Matt's favorite Mustang]
[photo 2: IBC rootbeer and hot rods; couldn't get any cooler]
[photo 3: a view of our charming room]

[photo 4: kissing a cute turtle]
[photo 5: pink flamingo's and the Kinnicks]